Friday, March 28, 2008

Dr. Checkups

Violet and Ava went for their 9 mo. and 2 yr. checkups yesterday. They both passed with flying colors. Ava didn't even cry when she got her shot and her finger pricked. Violet also had two shots, but she did cry. The highlight was the fact that I ran out of diapers so rather than leave Violet in a soaking wet diaper, I just took it off and used paper towels until we got home. Accident free!

Ava was 26 lbs and Violet's stats are below:
Weight- 16.2 lbs (5th percentile)
Height - 27 in (25th percentile)
Head Circumference - 44.5 cm (60th percentile)


Emily said...

So funny. I love this diaper story, mostly because I can relate to a situation just like this. :) :) Violet's picture is simply adorable too, she didn't even cry? Wow, she's good. We can't wait to see you guys in a few months...I think we are planning to go to Cali too for Jake's wedding, so we'll look forward to seeing you then.

Emily said...

P.S. oops..Ava didn't cry.... :)