Monday, September 8, 2008

Pop trivia

For all of you celebrity gossip nerds, I thought I would come up with a little pop quiz for you. Most of these are off the top of my head .. so enjoy. The first to respond correctly to all my questions can pick any topic and I will blog 500 words about it.

1. Who is LC?
2. What is Oprah's first show this year going to feature?
3. Name the latest female reality tv star to get sentenced to jail for DUI
4. Name all members of the Britney Spears family.
5. Who are the two people Mariah Carey married?
6. Who is Paris Hilton dating?
7. How many Pitt-Jolie kids are there?
8. What cause does Hayden Panittiere (sp?) love?
9. When Britney went to Mexico earlier in the year, what famous male movie star did she hang out with?
10. Name your three favorite reality tv shows.


Coopers said...

Umm...I can't answer any of those. Lee wants to know how you know all of that. Do you just watch ET all day?

Marissa said...

OK, so these are the only ones I can answer off the top of my head:

1. Lauren Conrad
2. ?
3. ?
4. mom = Lynn, dad = Jaime, sister = Jaimelynn, brother = Brian, son1 = Sean Preston, son2 = James?
5. Tommy Mottola & obscure young actor from Drumline
6. Benji Madden
7. 6
8. ?
9. Mel Gibson
10. Project Runway, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance

You are definitely the queen of pop culture trivia!