MSU is about an hour and a half away, and since it is an agricultural school (amongst other things), we decided to take a field trip. It was self guided, and you could basically just walk around and see everything. It was great!The farm.
Lots of cows had a "window in their stomach." I think this is gross, but it is a teaching school. Did you know cows have 4 stomachs?
Pregnant or "dry" cows.
Feeding time.
Baby cows!
Six silos.More baby cows :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Week 1 - Cow field trip
9:29 AM
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Labels: Preschool
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Why God Made Moms
Why God Made Moms: Answers were given by 2nd grade children
Our first week
This is our first week doing a prepatory curriculum for preschool. It's not the typical time to start, but that's the best part, I can do it whenever I want! It's more fun to go places in the summer ... especially when your theme is COWS! So we will be seeing some cows later this week. There are a couple options, it's just a matter of how far I want to drive. Above you can see Ava learning how to write Violet's name. She can already write her name, so we're on to the next one.
I'm also throwing a baby shower the first friday in April...
Any suggestions for games? It's a baby girl, and the family just moved into the ward a a few months ago.
1:20 PM
A penny for your thoughts (1)
Labels: Preschool
Thursday, March 19, 2009
another recommendation
Started by a couple moms in Mi..
11:04 AM
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Labels: My Baby Advice
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Preschool and a cool new cloth diaper
OK, first things first. Since I know about 20 pregnant people right now, I wanted to tell everyone about an AWESOME cloth diaper I found. I don't cloth diaper because of the laundry (I hate laundry), and I'm not totally sold on the environmental benefits.
BUT, I've been snooping on a TON of new blogs and found a new cloth diaper that I am completely sold on because the outside only has to be washed once a day. The inside is completely flushable and biodegradable, made from all natural components. So you can flush it, throw it away, or if you're super environmentally friendly, you can compost the urine soaked liners. Check them out at: I think I might even pick up a few at the local Green Baby store to try. :)
The other news is that I'm going to homeschool Ava for at least preschool. I've been researching a lot, and really want to take advantage of the time that I can teach her. Who is better than your mom to teach you? It's like a whole new world of research, organization, planning, and overall parenting. I guess I have always separated "parenting" and "teaching" when in fact, I want it to be the same thing! You'll indefinitely be exposed to how I am going to teach Ava, the activities we do, and my journey through the overwhelming amount of information out there. In reading other mom's experiences, I sort of feel behind. Some moms are SO amazing at everything. But I am excited to give it a try and expand both Ava and my learning horizons.
9:45 AM
A penny for your thoughts (1)
Labels: My Baby Advice, Preschool
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring has Sprung
I've been really sick with a cold the past week, so I've been barely able to read blogs, let alone post. There are some great things happening in so many of my friends lives, it's great! Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.Ava in Alabama. I didn't post these pics originally, but they seem cute.
Violet in Alabama.
We painted this week. Glue, Tempra and tinfoil. They loved it! I bought a new book called "First Art," and it has tons of activities that involve messes. My girls will love it.
Violet has an ear infection (we found out on Monday), but she's really been miserable for the past few weeks. Coughing until she throws up, feavers, teeth coming in, and me being sick are not a good combination. It also seems like they're actually fighting more. Pulling hair, hitting and biting are now daily occurrences. This stage of parenting is ... ur... interesting.
Then I got the great idea to glue Cherios on it too. This is Ava's.
This is Violet's
The Paxtons have a Power Wheels motorcycle. Ava has been riding it for the past few weeks when we go over there, but I've never seen it. I still haven't seen Violet (too grumpy), but I'll get pics of her too. Ava speeds down the driveway and makes a loop. Those things go pretty fast! Then she enjoyed crashing into her Uncle Spencer.
Ava's also definitely in the imagination stage. In my old ballerina dress, she hauled out two Disney song piano books. She proceeded to conduct music with a toothbrush and sing.
Tyler chopping down trees hanging above the garage. He's been dying to get out there. We took a walk to the library and park today with no coat. I can't believe it!! Horray for spring!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
We have been playing a lot of tetris lately. Throughout the almost five years we have been married we run hot and cold on games. Here's a list:
-Canasta (honeymoon)
And now, tetris. Tyler is really excited because he's on level 14 of iPod tetris.
You know you play a lot of games when at night you can't go to bed because you see either letters or shapes falling or being rearranged in different scenarios.
We also cancelled our cable. So no more super-trashy reality shows. Although I can still watch most on the internet. Life will be interesting without it, and, I dare say, probably better. We're cutting back on everything to adjust for when we have 0 income. It's awesome, let me tell you. Sort of like jumping off a cliff.
Oh, and by the time I'm about to post this, Tyler got to level 15 - the highest level.