Thursday, March 31, 2011

Xtreme Bounce

To beat the gray-ness' round here we headed over to a bounce place. Believe it or not, we had never been to one before. $10 - not bad to kill some time one afternoon.

Ava had a great time. Violet went down twice and then hung out with N and I. Pretty much clinging to my leg. Not like anyone else was there, we practically had the whole place to ourselves.

Ahhh, then we had the beloved St. Patrick's day craft. I'd seen a cute leprechaun craft where a hand print was turned upside-down to make the beard. So we started with that, and then I read the girls a story about a leprechaun. Somehow they turned evil, grew an extra couple legs, and the markers and paint just went crazy. Pretty funny.


Natalie said...

You can see the fear in Violet's face in that picture. I started laughing so hard. It was basically her sledding all over again.