Monday, September 5, 2011


Ava starts school tomorrow. My mom asked, " Are you excited about it?" After thinking about it, I really discovered that I am not. Ava is over the moon excited. But to a mom this step ushers in more shuttling kids back and forth, less time for doing whatever the heck we want to do, and a little more peer pressure both for Ava and for me. It's not that I want her to stay a baby forever, it is more out of a love for our somewhat isolated life. For some reason I have always felt extreme expectations from others. I do realize that life will always move faster than I can keep up with, and I do realize that I have to live my own life, not anyone else's, but homeschooling for preschool has completely taken out that element of life/stress. Ava is smart, she had a father's blessing last night and she is ready. Here we go!


Natalie said...

I'm so happy for Ava. She'll have a blast. Violet will miss her though.