Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Today I have been incredibly blessed to see a lot of my family. My grandma, aunt, uncle, aunt, mom, dad, step-dad, and add another grandma for good measure. In an increasingly connected world, isn't it ironic that while we can call, Skype and text, actually seeing family is becoming a rarity? Maybe this is a realization as my immediate family grows older. But I am blessed with probably too much family close by. Along with a host of living relatives, even my great grandma, grandpa, uncle, and numerous other relatives are buried in the local cemeteries. Yikes! It is so nice to build more memories together.

In the end, all we have is family. Through thick and thin. Hard times and good. I love them. They made me who I am. Even though I think I am different from them, which I am, I look in the mirror and I see my Dad's eye color, my mom's hands, and a multitude of other characteristics that come from them. And I am proud of it. Thanks for sharing this month with me. It is really fun blogging every day! I wish I had more than 5 min. to complete my thoughts. Until tomorrow. Give thanks!