Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hi Milo!

First things first. You will be shocked. Not shocked if you know me, but shocked if you know Tyler. But we got a dog!! His name is Milo. His family was moving to Japan for several years, and they were looking for a good home for him. He's 1.5 yrs old, a miniature schnauzer, and is already house trained and came with everything too. He also is supposedly hypoallergenic. It's weird because he's not a puppy, but it's a good thing. Although puppies are cute, they're a lot of work. Milo just hangs out with all our craziness all day. Here he is on our couch with Jayne, his former owner when she dropped him off last night. :) There are more pics soon. I can see I'll have to photoshop those eyes every time. It still doesn't seem real..

This was the day we got Milo. He didn't arrive until night time, so the girls as usual, stripped naked, got the markers out and were screaming in a box. I think they made up some sort of game. Sometimes I feel like I live in the garden of Eden.


Our3angels said...

Welcome to the family Milo, i expect he will be in the next christmas card photo.

I love my christmas card by the way!

Tenille said...

He's cute Sarah! I bet the girls love him to pieces.

Emily said...

You got a dog. How cool. I actually had a dog named Milo growing up too. Great name. Scott and I were laughing at the "box" story too. Glad that you had a nice Christmas. :)