Thursday, December 4, 2008

Two Tags

I got tagged a while ago by someone, but don't remember who. If you tagged me and I didn't do it .. let me know :)


1. Post rules on your Blog.
2. Answer the six "8" items.
3. Tag 8 other people.

8 FAVORITE SHOWS: *The Biggest Loser* The Office * Project Runway *American Idol *24* Top Design *Bounty Hunter (I can't think of any more)

8 THINGS I DID YESTERDAY * Laundry *Babysat *Ate frozen pizza *Changed Diapers *Turned the heat up to 70 *Turned the heater on in the basement *Talked to my mom on the phone *Made the bed

8 THINGS I LOOK FORWARD TO *Having another baby *Tyler getting into school *Violet being potty trained *Sleeping *Moving out of Michigan *Getting more organized *Ava going to preschool *Christmas morning

8 FAVORITE RESTAURANTS *George's Coney Island *CPK *Kruse & Muir *Inspired Dining (an organic place) *Take Sushi *Macaroni Grill *Bravo *Mr. B's (for their pizza)

8 THINGS ON MY WISH LIST (I haven't started my cmas list, so this will be a stretch .. so I'll just put my dream list) *Twin white pottery barn beds for the girls *An ikea closet *A new bedroom set for us *Some nice sweaters *Dark jeans *Nonfiction books *A trip to Paris (yes, I want to go back!) *An iPod docking station for the kitchen

1- What is your favorite Christmas song? Anything Celine Dion
2- When was your most memorable Christmas? It's a toss up between last year - when we were in PA for our first cmas with two - and the year before when we were in UT with Ava and expecting Violet

3- What is your favorite Christmas treat? Pie
4- What do you dislike most about the Christmas season? Impending January

5- What do you like best about the Christmas season? Church

6- Who is the hardest person to shop for on your Christmas list? My dad.
7- If you could receive one gift without money being an issue, what would it be? I think I covered this prior, but maybe a nice vacation
8- What is your idea of a perfect Christmas Eve. Snow, food, good friends and family

9- Which do you like best, eggnog, or hot chocolate? Eggnog

10- Do you prefer a fancy Christmas tree, or one decorated by the kids? Fancy

11- What is your favorite family Christmas tradition? We don't really have anything specific yet, but we usually do one family on cmas eve, another family on cmas day, and then catch up after. The girls will wake up with one or two presents unwrapped from santa

12- Do you like fruitcake? I don't like nuts in baked goods, so no
13- Do you prefer skiing or snowboarding? Snowboarding

14- Are you dreaming of a White Christmas, or do you say “Bah Humbug” to snow? White Christmas.

15- What was your favorite gift from Santa when you were a child? American Girl Doll
16- What is your favorite Christmas movie? Home Alone

17- Have you ever eaten snow? Yes.

18- Who do you wish could be with you this Christmas? Tyler's family

19- When do you put up your Christmas lights and decorations? Thanksgiving weekend

20- Real or artificial Christmas tree? Ideally, real, but in reality we have 2 fakes. One for the porch and one for inside.

Tagging anyone and everyone!