Monday, June 14, 2010

Toledo Zoo Review

Last Saturday we braved the heat and humidity and went to the Toledo Zoo. It was a nice change of pace from the Detroit Zoo, and they had a lot of fun activities for kids. The funniest moment was the goat that kept eating Violet's shirt. Well, really it tried to eat anything you put in front of it. But it was the cutest thing ever. Violet really likes animals.

Our Ava.

We also enjoyed different varieties of animals and the smaller paths that weaved throughout the zoo.

Look at the booty on this hippo!!

And the girls finally got to see elephants, which they were really excited about. They took out the elephants in Detroit because of the weather, the elephants age and space and sent them to CA.

Beautiful hydrangeas!


Jenny said...

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. And, I wish I could see Elephants at the Toledo Zoo.