Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween! & North's 4 month B-day

Since Halloween was on a Sunday, our festivities primarily happened on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, however, we did carve pumpkins and pass out candy. The girls were busily picking out pumpkin seeds.

A little chilly outside. Violet wanted a scary face and Ava wanted a happy face.

Keep getting those seeds!

We had two fairies...

And a gnome! I had to think of something that went with fairies, even if Aunt Natalie is afraid of gnomes.

The costume fit quite well, even though it was a 12-24 mo costume!

Happy 4 month birthday North!! At 4 months he does not sleep through the night, loves to roll around, and try to chew on his hands.

The girls had their Joy School Halloween party. The cutest part was their little parade.

This is when the costumes made their first debut. We've been babysitting a bit. Four kids is a lot, but definitely manageable. This is Ethan in our Dalmation costume.


Jenny said...

I love Violet's face in the picture with the dalmation. And, I love North in every picture ever! And I love Ava too, and how dang pretty she is, and how I know she just loved being dressed up and on parade. And I love you, and miss you every day. Oh, and so he doesn't feel left out, I love Tyler too, don't worry.

Liz H. said...

oh north is SO cute as a gnome! i hadn't seen him in that costume. DARLING!!

The Southwicks said...

Cute kiddos! Hope you guys are doing great!