Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Our tree. Priceless.

Violet spent the day with Daddy so Ava, North and I had some quality time. She has been dying to get pumpkins, so we did. Now that she is in school I do miss her a little, and the time spent just with her is less. She is at such a fun age! Still gets into some hijinx, but still great.

Or Indoorsy

Post-family picture. I promise the picture will be better than this :) LOL Carbs much? Also note North's favorite lounging position. It must be a man thing.

Tent forts. Ava's other front tooth is on its way out. She will be front-toothless by the end of the week. I promise. Literally it is hanging. Violet said, "There's a hole in her tooth." Meaning, you can see the top root hole.