Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All you Lurkers and Readers CHECK IN!

If you ever read this blog, check in. I want to know who you are all you lurkers ... !


Jenny said...

all present and accounted for in the heyman home

Anonymous said...

Cute blog Sarah! We love to hear whats going on with you guys :)

-The Hocklanders-

lee said...

Naturally the Coopers can't leave the Paxton clan alone! We check your blog twice a day, if not more! I can't wait for the blog update to inform me that you will be coming out to San Ramon, and near our new apartment, for Captain Paxton's MBA at the local Stanford University. Thanks for checking in with us!

The Southwicks said...

Hey...Of course I read your blog...i don't get to talk to you enough, so I have to keep up with whats going on somehow!!!
Love ya

Lynn said...

Well of course it goes without saying that your mom loves the blog and checks in every day! Can't get enough of the Amazing Adventures of Ava and Violet! Love you!

Tenille said...

I'm an avid reader too Sarah! I love reading your posts and seeing your new pictures.

There's a thing you can download to your blog to show you who is viewing it (especially those that never leave comments). It's called a feedjit. My sister has it on hers and I haven't uploaded it to mine yet. You can access her blog from mine (Anderson Family) and scroll down til you see it on the side and then there's a little icon that says "Add this to my blog" or something like that.

I'm always wondering who is checking out our blog too!

Mellocat said...

Hello, but you already knew about me / us. I / we consider it a privilege to be linked with your blogerrific endeaver here.


Maybe I / we should post more on my / our own blog(s) so more people read mine / ours, take some of the pressure of your bandwidth. :D

T and B said...

Can we be considered lurkers please?

Tara said...

I love keeping up on your family!

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah and family,

I love to check in occasionally. If you're interested in lurking as well, check out http://www.njbrideau.com sometime:)
