Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wolcott Mill Farm Center

It's been raining a lot, and I was dying to get out, so today we went to the Wolcott Mill Farm Center. It's a metropark, but we didn't have to pay to get in, which was awesome! It was also very clean and well organized. Everyone there was also friendly.

Here is Ava on a tractor.

The baby chickens.

We heard roosters crowing. The girls thought this was funny.

This was the craziest thing. The cows get their hooves "trimmed" once a year. So they put them in this contraption to hold them still and then they shave down their hooves. Ava wanted to look at this forever.

After we saw a lot of cute baby goats, pigs and miniature horses, we walked down to a little pond. A little girl must have left her net, so we borrowed it and left it there for the next person. I scooped up some muck from the side of the pond and first try there were two tadpoles! They were pretty big and well-developed. You can see my stick is touching one of them. I also saw a huge turtle and some fish, but the girls didn't see them. Someday they will! This is the kind of science I really like. As long as I don't have to touch anything slimey I'm ok.