Friday, June 17, 2011

Our Violet has been blooming for 4 years

Happy 4th Birthday to our Violet Jane. You make each day sweeter than the next.

It is hard to believe it's been four years.

Here's a little bit more about Violet:
She loves to color and draw
She is constantly sounding out words
She has a good sense of style
She is always talking about how her hair is "getting straight"
She is sensitive but pretty tough
She hates physical exertion of all types
She loves sweets, and is motivated by food
She is independent, and happily plays by herself
She likes to dance and sing, but is still shy

We love you!


Liz H. said...

so cute! we miss you guys!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday Violet. We will forever miss having birthdays with you! Love you tons!
Love, The Wiebe Clan