Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If we had a boy

Introducing, Braxton Paxton! (jk) we would never name our poor boy Braxton.
A friend (thanks Sierra!) did this on her blog so I thought it would be fun if I did it for a boy since we already know what two genetic variations of a girl would look like. The two pictures I picked are terrible, don't look too closely. One was our Christmas picture last year and the other one I was pregnant with Violet. Who knew we'd have a red-head!!?


Anonymous said...

This is so cute lol!! I love it! I did so many combinations, each one I was this really what our poor child will look like?! haha! Its fun to play around with.

Tara said...

I decided to find out what our baby would look like. I posted the picture of our daughter, but our son was really scary looking. It was definitely entertaining!

Our3angels said...

Hey, you never know! Both my parents had very dark hair, my sister and I ended up with red hair, and through my geneology search I found it came from the Lucas line.

So, it's entirely possible. Besides, it's pretty cool being a red head!