Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A little project

I've been working hard on knitting some leg warmers as baby presents. I'm a complete knitting novice, but for little kids and babies, I think these are really easy! For the girl ones I knit 2 pearled 2, casting on 36 stitches. I then did a criss-cross all the way down along the seam. I chose pink and brown. For the boy ones I did a plain brown, and stuck to casting on 36. I knit 2 pearled 2 for about two inches. I then knit a row then pearled a row to get the plain area. I made them approximately 12 inches long (maybe a little shorter). Babies are so small!

I think leg warmers are a cute option instead of tights or snow pants. They also pad little knees as babies start to crawl.


Anonymous said...

Sarah these are so adorable! You did such an awesome job! I love the pink ones! :)

Jacqueline Mohamed said...

You are amazing! how do you find the time to do these things????