Friends of ours are trying to adopt their 6th child (4 of 5 are adopted). I sort of like what I came up with this morning :) November 26, 2008 To Whom it May Concern: We are writing to fully recommend the Deena and Andrew Kastello as adoptive parents. As parents ourselves, we understand the commitment and vision it takes to raise children with love and a strong sense of individual worth. My husband and I had the opportunity to watch four of the Kastello’s children for a weekend while they were at a wedding. During those few days we were able to understand how their children all are so unique, yet fit together because of what Deena and Andrew have taught them. We also realized the time commitment and exceptional physical and mental strength that Andrew and Deena have every day to raise a large family. It was clear the Kastellos have fostered their individuality and will stop at nothing to give each of their children the best chance of having a healthy, loving home. They embrace change and philosophy that the more love in the home, the better. Deena guides each of her children based on her love for them, solemn prayer, and invaluable life experiences to help them be the best they can. She inspires her children and all those she comes in contact with to embrace all that life can give them. Andrew also brings strong, unique characteristics to the family. He has overcome challenges to pursue a medical degree. By committing to medical school, and following through with it, he has demonstrated that persistence pays off. His children recognize his sacrifices and what it takes to be successful. Together they are exemplary parents. They are role models for our family and we will never forget the impact they have had on us as parents. In their home there is a remarkable feeling of love for everyone who enters its doors. Everyone who I come into contact with that has been at their home and met the Kastellos feels the same way. Deena and Andrew have both felt that there are more children that are supposed to be in their home for some time, and have been eagerly preparing for when that opportunity arises. It is our hope and prayer that the desires of their hearts are met, and they are blessed with the opportunity to adopt another child. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best Regards, Sarah and Tyler (Edited July 4, 2009) Please also see comments, and feel free to comment! I still love this letter. After trying to add to our family for some time we too are in the process of pursuing adoption. It has led me to reflect upon what steps I took to write an effective letter in hopes it may help someone else: -Say a prayer that Heavenly Father will help clear your mind and write the things in your heart. -Write from your heart, don't agonize over every word. Time is of the essence because there is sooo much paperwork to do. -Make sure you say with a qualifier how you recommend the couple. -Write about your relationship with the adoptive couple. What qualifies you to write this letter? What qualities do you admire in them? How do you know they will care for and provide for the child? How will they raise their children? -Are there any hobbies or passions that set apart this couple from the rest of the perspective adoptive parents? -Describe how they interact with their children, or with the children around them. -Describe the feelings you get when visiting their home. How do other people feel in their home? -Keep it to one page. You may have to just cut some things out or be satisfied if your letter is only half a page. The most important part is writing from the heart!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Adoption Recommendation Letter
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I've been distracted
I've been really distracted lately, hence no blogging. I guess there's been a lot going on. So here's a quick recap.
Ava licking the batter off of a beater for the 12 dozen frozen molasses cookies I made for a cookie dough exchange. This is the best holiday exchange ever! You're not stuck with a million cookies you have to use right away, and you can even use them as little drop off gifts. All you do is invite 11 people over who each agree to make 12 dozen cookie dough balls. Each dozen is in a separate bag with the cookie recipe. Then you all meet for lunch or just quickly one morning or afternoon, and pick one bag of cookies from each person. Of course, you get one dozen of the cookies you made. Just make sure you put them in a freezer asap so they stay in balls and not a mushy mess. :) It's Tyler's favorite holiday activity if eating them counts.
Violet suffering through four molars all coming in at once. Hey, it's what you get for not getting teeth until you're 18 months old!I should photoshop this picture so you can see exactly where Ava's letters are for her name, but she wrote her entire name, all 3 letters in the correct order for the first time!!! She wanted me to write Eli's name (her best friend other than Morgen), and then she wrote her name underneath. You can see her upside-down A's and then the V is half-erased sort of next to the I. She was very proud when she got to hold it and I took her picture.
For the rest of the week she went on a coloring spree. The walls (yes, there were little people and A's on the newly-bright white molding), floors, feet, face, sheets and bedding. Last night after she colored on and ripped holes in our down comforter ... we went through the whole house and picked up all the writing utensils and put them on top of the fridge.
This of course was after earlier in the day when her and Violet got out a muffin tin and filled it with an entire container of salt, half a container of ground ginger and all the yellow and blue food coloring. Apparently they were cooking. I was trying to be a good wife and iron Tyler's shirts. I promptly put the stool that they constantly fight over and use to climb on the counters outside with the SNOW.
Yes, it's been snowing for about a week now. It's been cloudy and gray. I always struggle this time of year because of the ever-present grayness.
Tyler Quotes:
"Check your email" - He got an interview with U of M's MBA program!!! YEAH! I cried.
"Did I ever tell you about the time I slept on top of a wardrobe?" - Classic ...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Grad School
Many of you know that Tyler is in the process of applying to grad school to get his MBA. It's been an arduous process, with many long nights filling in essays, organizing recommendations, etc. Tyler has applied to four: Stanford, BYU, UC Berkeley, and U of M. And is still going to get one in to UCLA. It's very weird waiting for the day that your life could potentially change. We don't expect to hear a word until Late Dec/Jan., and just read today that BYU's ranking in Business Week has been upped to 22nd for 2009! That's great news. Plus, they're increasing the MBA class size. Let's hope they're able to forgive his "sins" freshman year of almost flunking out. The other rankings by Business Week also increased Stanford and U of M's average GMAT scores (yikes and yes, Tyler's below that average, not by much though).
We're really hoping for Stanford - really, really hoping.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Some of you will quickly know what this acronym means. For others it may be a little foreign. In a nutshell, it's short for stay at home mom. For almost three years I have been a SAHM. Some people greet this new calling with excitement, for others it may bring apprehension, for others it may be the hardest thing ever begun. After three years I think I'm finally to the point where I can say I'm used to being a SAHM and really, really thankful for it. Can you believe it took this long? Today when I made play doh for the girls, made them lunch, made them breakfast, went to the grocery store, put on their little boots and coats, and even put Ava in time out, I am so thankful I am the one that is able to do this. I am able to spend this special time with them and no one else. I am thankful I can teach them what it means to fulfill their ultimate calling by my example. (Yikes!)
Frankly, before I had Ava it was all I could do to go to work and sit at my desk. I was really, really bored. Although I liked what I did, I didn't really like the corporate environment. I think I'm more an independent person and want to do what I want to do. After I came home with Ava I remember thinking, is this it? All my baby does is lay there! Eight months later I was pregnant again and exhausted and in pain every day. Pelvic bone pain is the worst! But as soon as little Violet was born I had to adjust again to the rhythms of bring a mom of two girls. Now that they're growing up - I tear up at least once a week because they're getting so old - I am cherishing each day a little more. I am thankful I get to multitask and be a crazy, laundry-hating, cook, therapist, behavior coach, nutritionist, nurse, driver, stylist and wife. I love being able to be the one completely responsible in all these areas so they are safe and healthy. I love reading and researching the different stages of life and being able to pray and read the scriptures, sing, dance, cook, walk, play, laugh and cry with them.
All in all, any job or career takes practice, and it's taken three years, but every moment has been worth it.
Yes, I read it too.
I'd committed to reading Twilight before the movie came out so I could see it with some friends from Church. It was a fun book. I read it in two days. :)
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Little paleontologists
The "local" dinosaur in Rochester Hills is a Mastodon. While digging up the ground for a new Wal-Mart a Mastodon skeleton was found a few years ago. Mastodon lived in green, marshy areas, unlike the dry rocky areas some of the better-known dinosaurs lived in. There is a little nature center in Troy, the next city over, that has some fun rocks and casts of the bones kids can dig. It was perfect for kids Ava and Violet's age.Ava was a fearless climber and climbed all over these huge (fake) boulders. It was probably at least 10 feet up. I would have never done that.
I really wanted to get a picture of Violet's face because lately all you can see is her head as she moves quickly from one place to another. So here she is with her brush, ready to discover some bones!
After we were done inside, there are some short trails in the back. We walked all around, and Violet got her first official bee sting. I had to pull the stinger out of her finger. Yuk! She seemed ok though her finger and a small part of her hand were swollen.