Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grad School

Many of you know that Tyler is in the process of applying to grad school to get his MBA. It's been an arduous process, with many long nights filling in essays, organizing recommendations, etc. Tyler has applied to four: Stanford, BYU, UC Berkeley, and U of M. And is still going to get one in to UCLA. It's very weird waiting for the day that your life could potentially change. We don't expect to hear a word until Late Dec/Jan., and just read today that BYU's ranking in Business Week has been upped to 22nd for 2009! That's great news. Plus, they're increasing the MBA class size. Let's hope they're able to forgive his "sins" freshman year of almost flunking out. The other rankings by Business Week also increased Stanford and U of M's average GMAT scores (yikes and yes, Tyler's below that average, not by much though).

We're really hoping for Stanford - really, really hoping.


lee said...

Our vote is Stanford or UC Berkeley, even though my dad would say UCLA! We will keep our fingers crossed, if you dont mind keeping us posted! Sarah - way to be an awesome mom. I would like it if you could blog about when you have actually realized you enjoy being married to Tyler....Maybe that will still take a few years. Just kidding. We love the guy and really hope we get to have you out here in the West Coast. We wish you guys the best as you anxiously await the future.